
Directional Footpath Sign

about Routes and P(l)aces

navigation • approaches • glossary • guides

Below are explanations, context, and signposts relating to the origins and intentions of Routes and P(l)aces and this anarachive. They are to be read in no particular order and are occasionally amended. Their purpose is to orient and describe without situating anyone towards one route or another.

The Routes and Places anarchive has been designed at a width of 900px – this was selected as it provides readers on tablets and desktops a uniform size to encounter the text in. However, if this is read on a phone – as is likely the case for many who use QR codes found in the print zine – they have a different experience. It is an experience of scrolling through contained images and texts, of reading through longer form essays and fieldnotes. The user interface of this, the Route Haunting anarchive blends Visual branding (color, font, background), print media (such as this notepad paper background), and with the wireframes and content sequence social media platform provide. Some content is missing – there is no space for response (comments, emoticons), nor are some technologies for web and tablet platforms available to phone devices (including VR content requiring goggles).

It is not in the scope of this project to produce a qualitative study of user experience, what is in the scope is accountability to what has been accomplished here in research design and demonstrated in design practice. I know a UX designer or two may be interested in having a conversation about this …

A Few things about …
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