Website Disclaimer and Liability Statement

All content here is provided “as is”, “as available”, and “with all faults”.
As an artist-researcher and active walker, I use reasonable judgment to correct any errors or omissions as soon as it is practical if it has been brought to my attention. However, I make no guarantees or warranties of any kind whatsoever (express or implied) regarding the applicability of the content on the site for self-designed walks. As artist-research, I confirm with absolute certainty that the routes and sites referenced will be up-to-date or error-free, or that subsequent corrections made to references to sites or rights-of-way that have been altered since the time of publishing will be 100% accurate at the time of publishing. I go on the best available knowledge at the time and work from there. 

As artist-researcher, I shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from:

 A.  Any loss or damage to any computer hardware or software, any loss of data (including your content), or any loss or damage from any security breach; and/or any loss of profits, or any loss you suffer which is not a foreseeable consequence of the artist-researcher breaching the terms of use stipulated above.
B. Any injury caused while applying information from this website during your walks.

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